Michael and I saw an infomercial for Insanity 60 day workout dvds and I knew that I wanted them. So, what does my wonderful husband do? He got them for me. So today I did the fit test to see how fit I was. You are supposed to take the fit test about every 2 weeks to track your progress. They give you, I think, 8 different cardio movements, you do one for a minute and then you rest for about a minute and then you do the next set for a minute and continue on until you are done with the 8 excersizes. I started out strong but even half way through the warm up you do before the fit test I was out of breath. I got through 5 of the excersizes and couldn't go on anymore. I was breathing heavily and I could feel my heart beating. I just walked until the video was done but I was starting to feel my stomach start to ache a little. Kinda like it does when I have excersized and then drink too much water. I just kept walking around the living room. Then I started feeling nautious. I went to the kitchen and leaned over the sink. I thought I was going to throw up. I got super light headed and I think I almost passed out. I put my head down and finally my stomach stopped and I started feeling better. Holy cow!!! I have never experienced anything like it before. But I am not giving up!!! I just know that I need to take it WAY slower! I will let you know how it all goes in future posts.
P.S. I just saw a picture of me and my sisters at lunch a couple of weeks ago and I couldnt believe how big I looked. That is why I want to work so hard, so I can feel better about how I look. I cant wait for this program to be done and I can see the difference.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Best Kid in the World
I took McKenzie to a friend's birthday party on Saturday and there was a magician doing a show for the kids. After one of his tricks, he told everyone he was supposed to make an announcement. He turned on his i-pod that was hooked up to a speaker and we heard a male voice say, "We have just been notified that the worlds greatest kid is here in the room today. Would the worlds greatest kid please stand up and take a bow." As soon as all the kids heard this they were all looking around the room to see who the worlds greatest kid was. There were about 20 kids in the room and after a short pause, the birthday boy slowly got up and took a bow. I thought it was the greatest. You could almost hear all the kids thinking, "Who is it? Who is the worlds greatest kid?" I need to tell Kenzie that HE is the worlds greatest kid and if he is ever asked he needs to say so.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Grant park 2010
Grant Park has had fun activities for the kids to do this summer. They made necklaces, decorated zipped bags and masks and did decorations on canvas boards. They also had a tie-die day that I ended up doing. They also have a fun playground the kids like to play on. We have liked going to Grant park this summer!!
Alex's mohawk
Before school ended last year he wanted a mohawk. We said he could have one for a week and here it is. It is too bad he has a mom who cant cut a straight line. He was happy to cut it off after the week was up.
Sabra's Cakes
I have had the opportunity to make some really fun cakes in the last couple of months. The sunflower cake in the top left was a cake I took to Relief Society for a pot luck dinner. Hardly any of it was eaten because they thought it was there for decoration. Unfortunately, I had to take it home and we got to eat it ourselves.
The puzzle cake I made for a family in our ward who's son had just passed away. He was 7 and had health issues but his death came as a surprise. I asked our RS president if there was anyone in the ward I could make a cake for and she suggested this family.
I made a Curious George cupcake cake for my friend Ellen's daughter's birthday. She loves Curious George and so I tried to put one together for her. It didnt come together as well as I had hoped but everyone loved it and the cupcakes were delish.
Our ward had a picnic at the park and had a dessert contest. I made this swimming pool cake to try and win. I didnt win but they had several other games and I tied for first place in the bubblegum blowing contest.
I really enjoyed making these cakes and hope to be able to make lots more in the future.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Allison tries to pull 2 fast ones
Ok, so Allison said a couple of super funny things today. I just had to post this before I forgot. This morning, after I dropped the boys off at school, I started to shape some chocolate chip cookie dough into cookies so I could freeze it. Anytime I make any kind of dessert, there is Allison asking for a bite. So I gave her a spoon of cookie dough. She ate that and then asked for more "frosting." I explained that it was cookie dough and ended up giving her 3 small spoons of dough before I was done. I put the dough in the freezer and then went to clean some stuff around the house. When I walked into the kitchen about 5 min. after leaving it, there was Allison, standing in front of the refridgerator with the door open. As soon as she saw me she said, "I wasn't getting any frosting, I just wanted some logurt." (yogurt). Yeah, right.
This picture has nothing to do with this story, it was just a super cute pic of Allison. At one of Alex's baseball games we got a balloon from H&R Block and Allison came home and fell asleep with hers in her hand.
So anyway, back to the story. At lunch time I made a sandwich for her, which she asked for. It had peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam on it. I went back to the office for a couple of minutes and when I went back into the kitchen I put her empty plate in the dishwasher. Just trying to keep on top of things. Allison was standing in front of the tv and I heard her say, "I all done with my sandwich, Mommy." She walked into the kitchen with almost all of her sandwich in her hand looking disturbed that her plate was not on the table. She asked where it was. I said, "I put it in the dishwasher, but you only ate about 2 bites of that sandwich." She pointed to it and said, "I only ate one bite of sandwich and I didn't like the jam." I told her that when she didn't eat all the food I had made her I didn't want to make her any more food to eat. She said, "Well, cookies is not food to eat." Ha!! Nice try, little girl.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Alex shows us his trick at our Christmas brunch
We went over to Michael's sisters house on Christmas morning for a brunch. It's a tradition his mom started and he and his sisters have kept up since she died. We went to Keri's house and enjoyed all the usuall, cornmeal pancakes with cranberry syrup, fritatta, chicken sausage patties, bacon and orange juice. It's all Their moms recipes and they are delicious. It was a gorgeous day, only a little cool, and everyone went out in the back yard after breakfast. That is where Alex showed us his trick.
Amy, Keri and one of the twins, sitting around the table after our meal.
Keri and one of the twins.
Alex and McKenzie at the brunch.
Michael and the other twin at the brunch.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Allison's dance class
Allison is taking this dance class for $10 a month. It is a steal and I feel so lucky we are able to have her go. The first couple of classes she would not participate at all. After about the third class she decided she liked it and now enjoys going. Here is a little part of one of her classes.
McKenzie washing his hair
We were at Delaynes house over the New Years and it had rained. The rain stopped and it was pretty nice outside so we let the kids go out and play for a while. McKenzie discovered the water on the patio and decided to wash his hair with it. In the background you can hear Bret telling Ethan he can't come in the house with his wet clothes on. Ethan didn't want to walk through the house naked, especially with all the guests to see. All in all, I have to say it was pretty funny.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
the missing cheesecake pieces
So Michael and I have been dieting for a while and there is a recipe for cheesecake that we make that we can eat for our diet. Of course the kids love it too. Well, we are not taking it any more!! We told the kids they were not allowed to have cheesecake anymore. I will make them cookies, brownies, etc. but they cannot have cheesecake. So we put it in the garage fridge hoping that would discourage them. HA!!! When I went to get a piece yesterday there were 4 pieces missing, the plastic wrap was open on one side of the plate and there was cheesecake crumbs leading out of the fridge. Hmmmmmmmm. I asked the boys about it and they admitted they had 1 piece each but no more. When I asked Alex who else ate some he said, "Allison had some?" She was sitting on the bed listening to this and she shrugs her shoulders, puts up one hand and says, "Well, I don't like cheesecake." Ha Ha Alex. You forgot about that, didn't you.
Alex in Baseball
Alex has started baseball. He is in the minors on the Padres. He has a great coach and they are undefeated after the first 3 games. That might be a little misleading. The second game they played went unfinished. They have to finish it at a later time. It was an evening game and it got dark before they were done. But they were winning at the end of 3 innings. This is opening day at the parade. We walked down the street and around the corner to the Major field where they had a ceremony of speakers and throwing the opening pitch. It was fun. Especially when they won their game later that day.
This is his team with the coach on the right and of course Alex had to look down right when I took the picture.
McKenzie's Birthday
We had pizza at home and then took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's for McKenzie's birthday. We got $20 worth of tokens and then let them at it. They had a great time and it only cost us $20!! Wooohoooo! This was new since I had been there last. They had this horse that you could ride and it had a screen in front of it that showed a race track you could race on. The kids tried it but it was kind of difficult, especially for Allison.
Allison loved going on this car ride. It had this guy in the car and Allison kept flirting with him. Michael said she even kissed him. So hilarious!!! She probably went on this ride 7 or 8 times. We all had a great time.
baby quilt
I made this blanket as a baby shower gift for a lady in our ward. She has two boys and is now having a girl. There were about 25 ladies from our ward at the shower and we had lots of fun. The back of the quilt is all one fabric. The light purple that is in the middle in the picture. It turned out great. But you know me, I had the missionaries to dinner the night of the shower and hadn't finished the blanket. So I was cutting the seams as they were giving their spiritual thought after dinner. Great stuff!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Delayne's Rainbow
When we were at Delayne's for New Years there was a beautiful rainbow. We tried to get it posted to facebook as soon as we had pics, but it wouldn't download or something. Jake and Julie Carr got their pic on FB before we could, even though it was right in Laynes back yard practically. Anyway, here is what we saw...
Isn't it gorgeous? There was a second rainbow above and to the left, which you may or may not be able to see in these pics.
Alex the writer
Alex wrote this letter to Mr. Johnson who was coming in to help his teacher at the beginning of the year. She showed it to me when I went in to help and told me he is one of the best writers in her class. She said he uses correct verb tenses and has a great writing style. So here is what it says,
Dear Mr. Johnson,
Hi Mr. Johnson. I wanted to write you a very cool letter. I want to write to you saying that you are very kind and to thank you for volunteering your time, like for teaching us the bones. To end this letter I will say that you are very amazing.
Your Friend,
I was very proud of him when I heard his teacher say that. (BIG sigh)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Decorating for Christmas
This year I went to a gazillion garage sales and found about 80% of our Christmas items including our Christmas tree pictured above. I got it for $5 which included 1 large bag of lights (only one strand of them worked) and some bags with ornaments and more strands of tinsel. I was happy with how our tree turned out. I look forward to not paying $40 - $50 for a Christmas tree next year or the next or the next. I did miss the smell of fresh cut evergreen but I am told you can buy it in a can which I think we will do next year. We found out this year that McKenzie is alergic to a ton of stuff including trees and that artificial is the way we will need to go in the future.
My parents gave this to us this year and I LOVE it!!! I need to find a better place for it though cause Alex kept playing handball against the front door and his ball would bounce behind him and knock into the snowmen. No permanent damage but that might not last long. We'll figure out something better for next year.
I saw a pattern to make this wreath in a little booklet you find when you are in line at the grocery store. It had a whole bunch of ideas for Christmas crafts and fun goodies. I think I made 9 of these to give away this year. It was hard work but I had fun doing it.
Thanksgiving with the Stapf family
This was such a great picture of Bonnie!
Eliza looked like a little angel with a halo of light shining above her head. She is the sweetest little thing and I love her to pieces!! (Now if only I could understand her.)
All the boys were doing a great job of hitting the balls that Michael pitched to them. Delayne and I got in on the action as well and did great! It was tons of fun. Brett chose to stay home and get some quiet time and hopefully got some sleep while the rest of us were at the park.
Ethan found a wall outside in the back to hit the soccer ball against. He and Alex had a good time playing handball against our house. It drove Delayne and Brett crazy!! Oh, the noise!!!
I didn't get any pictures of it but we had ham with mashed potato casserole, green bean casserole and some other stuff for Thanksgiving dinner. (Sorry, its been a while and I've forgotten.) I know we had pumpkin pie and Marinelli's apple cider. We also had an apple pie we got from Apple Hill. I love Thanksgiving!!! We also had the kids make turkey placemats and write on the feathers what they were thankful for.
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