Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Allison's dance class

Allison is taking this dance class for $10 a month.  It is a steal and I feel so lucky we are able to have her go.  The first couple of classes she would not participate at all.  After about the third class she decided she liked it and now enjoys going.  Here is a little part of one of her classes.

McKenzie washing his hair

We were at Delaynes house over the New Years and it had rained.  The rain stopped and it was pretty nice outside so we let the kids go out and play for a while.  McKenzie discovered the water on the patio and decided to wash his hair with it.  In the background you can hear Bret telling Ethan he can't come in the house with his wet clothes on.  Ethan didn't want to walk through the house naked, especially with all the guests to see.  All in all, I have to say it was pretty funny.