Friday, September 25, 2009

How old are you, Mom?

I am watching 3 girls so their mom can go to night school 2 nights a week and one night while they were here McKenzie came bursting through the glass door, kinda like Kramer, and asks me, "How old are you mom?" I was a little surprised, and he was a little out of breath. I cautiously asked him why he wanted to know that and he said, "Christine says her mom is 40 and I want to know if you are bigger than her." I said I was 34 and he turned back outside and said, " Your mom is 40, Christine? Your mom is bigger than my mom." Yeay, I am not the bigger one!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Allison dancing

I was in the office and heard something in the family room but I couldn't figure out what it was so I started to go in there when Allison came in the office. I asked her what she was doing and she said something about a card. I couldn't figure it out until I went into the family room and saw the "conga-rats" card Mom and Dad sent to Michael for passing his test. She likes to open it then dance, so I grabbed the camera. How cute is that?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Allison's name

So Allison hates when people call her anything but her name. She will look at you and say, "My name isn't sweetie, it's Allison." Everyone just smiles or laughs. Well, this morning Michael was talking to her about the birthday party she went to last night and she just looked at him and said with her little (well, actually BIG) attitude, "STOP talking to me!" A few minutes later he said something about people and she said, "I not people, stop talking to me, again!!" We all laughted but I could see Allison was getting frustrated. I could tell she wanted him to call her by her name when she turned to me and said,"What's my name again Mommy?" AAAHHHHH, the adorability of a three year old!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Allison's Birthday

So we finally had Allison's birthday party. Only 2 weeks after her birthday. The weekend after her birthday she was sick so we postponed it one week. She was so excited when it finally came. We played musical butterflys, where I copied butterflys off the net and put them in a circle around the family room. We only got through a couple of rounds when one of her friends asked if we could do something else. We made a box castle outside and had races across the lawn. They twirled, tip toed, and leaped to the finish line. We had princess cake that I decorated and opened presents. Each girl went home with a pair of plastic butterfly dress up shoes and a butterfly headband. All in all, a very good time had by all. After everyone went home it was time for a nap. Michael and I both woke up refreshed and relieved that the kids had not destroyed the house.
the paint was drying on this castle moments before the guests arrived

we made a box castle for the kids to play in

we played princess relay races across the lawn

I made and decorated this princess cake. Tina Brown looked over my shoulder to make sure I did a good job. She was a big help.

Princesses Allison, Clara and Abby sitting in their box castle.

Allison had a great time! She was so excited, (for a looooooong time,) to have her party.